Since 1996
 SUN MEDIA has installed Microfab Inkjet Printer (Jetlab 4 XL ) for printed electronic devices like Solar cells and thin film transistors and also a new Xenon Photonic Curing System ( Sinetron 2000-S ) for Sintering of Nanoparticles at IIT Powai, Bombay.     
Machine CONCEPT 329 fully digital (servo motors) allows the decoration of bottles of various shapes: Cylindrical, oval, irregular Blocks, Half Moon, Polygons ... Designed to provide maximum flexibility, the print head can print interchangeably in the width direction (transverse) or height (longitudinal) of the object to match the decor or the shape of the bottle. Specificity of 329 DUBUIT, it is possible in longitudinal scraping, to vary during the printing cycle the squeegee pressure to follow a slightly concave shape.


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